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Quality own-root roses
Moss or Gallica (Jean Laffay, France, before 1833)
Well here’s one for the adventurous gardener. Our great friend Gail from Sterling, CO (who is responsible for many of our old garden rose additions) promises me this rose is an old moss called Bérenger. My mountains of research books are inconclusive but I like the rose a lot and Gail’s never steered me wrong, so we’ll go for it. At any rate, I’d love to hear your experiences. Please click HERE to contact us with feedback.
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Moss or Gallica (Jean Laffay, France, before 1833)
Well here’s one for the adventurous gardener. Our great friend Gail from Sterling, CO (who is responsible for many of our old garden rose additions) promises me this rose is an old moss called Bérenger. My mountains of research books are inconclusive but I like the rose a lot and Gail’s never steered me wrong, so we’ll go for it. At any rate, I’d love to hear your experiences. Please click HERE to contact us with feedback.
Duane Scheidemantle –
I was more than pleasantly surprised from the first bloom on this rose! It was absolutely stunning.
I should have given the plant more room, as it wants to sprawl, or perhaps some support is in order.
But the blooms when at their best are captivating, both in beauty and fragrance.
Absolutely recommend if you love moss roses!
Janice Grinyer –
Planted in SE Montana in a protected corner on the west side of the house, this moss rose has grown to 3 feet in 3 years, blooming almost every year- she’s hardy! Just make sure she’s alone, as she sends out shoots and has many spikes, making weed pulling hazardous- no rabbits will go near, that’s saying something! Absolutely love her blooms, so old fashioned 🩷