Additional information
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Quality own-root roses
(Red Moss), Moss ( Jean Laffay, France, before 1862)
Heavily mossed buds open to reveal rounded, fragrant, medium red, and semi-double blooms in mid to late season. Plant growth is vigorous, upright, and may need some support as it reaches nearly 5 feet. Red hips will form later in the season if allowed.
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Henri Martin
(Red Moss), Moss ( Jean Laffay, France, before 1862)
Heavily mossed buds open to reveal rounded, fragrant, medium red, and semi-double blooms in mid to late season. Plant growth is vigorous, upright, and may need some support as it reaches nearly 5 feet. Red hips will form later in the season if allowed.
Darcy Lien –
I’ve grown this rose for several years now, and it has the most wonderful fragrance! The blossoms are beautiful and make wonderful cut flowers. It does benefit from some support. I’ve had it in a mixed bed of roses, lilies, and perennials, it does best with some support. I really do love it, but it can be a bit of a “loose” grower.