Additional information
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Quality own-root roses
(Old Velvet Moss), Moss (Jean Laffay, France, 1855)
Large, crimson-purple blooms with a lighter lilac-pink reverse cover the bush in mid-summer. The buds are heavily mossed with an oily, pine scent. Blooms are richly fragrant. A vigorous, if prickly, grower to a height of 6 feet.
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William Lobb
(Old Velvet Moss), Moss (Jean Laffay, France, 1855)
Large, crimson-purple blooms with a lighter lilac-pink reverse cover the bush in mid-summer. The buds are heavily mossed with an oily, pine scent. Blooms are richly fragrant. A vigorous, if prickly, grower to a height of 6 feet.
Duane Scheidemantle –
This is a favorite moss rose of many, for good reason. The color, or blend of colors with various age of blooms on the plant is incredible.
It definitely needs room, but in season it’s impact simply cannot be ignored.