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(Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux), Moss (Jean Laffay, France, prior to 1837)
This mossy sport of Autumn Damask bears semi-double white flowers through the season. Very fragrant. Sturdy, upright canes reach a height of 6 to 7 feet, forming a broad vase shape.
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Perpetual White Moss
(Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux), Moss (Jean Laffay, France, prior to 1837)
This mossy sport of Autumn Damask bears semi-double white flowers through the season. Very fragrant. Sturdy, upright canes reach a height of 6 to 7 feet, forming a broad vase shape.
Serena Limon-Huitz (verified owner) –
Zone 9a Houston, TX. I have 2 of these roses and they are definitely worth getting. The foliage itself smells good but the roses have a highly strong fragrance in my opinion, and they’re really pretty. The only downside on my end is that the blooms lost their petals after a couple days and it’s not a frequent bloomer. Mine is still young so Im hoping in a year or two it’ll put out enough blooms that I won’t cling to each bloom so much. I would buy it over again.