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Quality own-root roses
Damask – Alba, (origin unknown, prior to 1773)
We’ve called this shrub Banshee for years, but Denver rosarians tell us it’s something else. For now, we’ll call it “High Country Banshee”. Exceptionally fragrant, clear pink, very double blooms cover this bush in early summer. Small, dark red hips and purple foliage add interest in fall. Height 6 to 10 feet, even in light shade, with excellent hardiness.
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“Banshee, High Country”
Damask – Alba, (origin unknown, prior to 1773)
We’ve called this shrub Banshee for years, but Denver rosarians tell us it’s something else. For now, we’ll call it “High Country Banshee”. Exceptionally fragrant, clear pink, very double blooms cover this bush in early summer. Small, dark red hips and purple foliage add interest in fall. Height 6 to 10 feet, even in light shade, with excellent hardiness.
Jennifer –
I have this rose and the Madame Hardy rose, purchased about 9 years ago and relocated them to a new home when they were two years old. They both survived and thrived – I’m a novice rose grower, and even though I haven’t really done anything for them, they bloom beautifully and haven’t suffered more than occasional bits of black spot in my 6b garden. My Banshee is always paler pink than those pictured, and its fragrance is much milder than the Mme Hardy – I would have said it was a mild/medium fragrance. I have to put my face into it to really get the scent. It’s a bit spicier and more complex than the traditional rosewater-y damask scent the Mme Hardy has, as well. I don’t find the fall rosehips on this plant to be significant, so I’m going to learn to deadhead properly to prolong the blooms. I love both roses and would repeat them in my garden if they had a longer bloom time!