Additional information
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Quality own-root roses
Grandiflora (Jack E. Christensen, United States, 1990)
A vigorous and tall plant that produces armloads of very long, elegant buds that open in lovely, large (4″) double blooms. The color combinations is unusual with lavender centers gradually shading to a smoky plum color toward the edges. Color brightens with some heat but the best form is in cooler weather. This rose does appreciate a little afternoon shade.
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Fragrant Plum
Grandiflora (Jack E. Christensen, United States, 1990)
A vigorous and tall plant that produces armloads of very long, elegant buds that open in lovely, large (4″) double blooms. The color combinations is unusual with lavender centers gradually shading to a smoky plum color toward the edges. Color brightens with some heat but the best form is in cooler weather. This rose does appreciate a little afternoon shade.
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