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Floribunda (Ralph S. Moore, United States, 1990)
A charming addition to the garden. Semi-double blossoms (15–20 petals) are white edged with red and are borne freely all summer in large clusters. A bushy plant reaching 2½ to 3 feet tall and wide. Can be grown in the garden or in a large pot.
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Hula Hoop
Floribunda (Ralph S. Moore, United States, 1990)
A charming addition to the garden. Semi-double blossoms (15–20 petals) are white edged with red and are borne freely all summer in large clusters. A bushy plant reaching 2½ to 3 feet tall and wide. Can be grown in the garden or in a large pot.
Joanna Tuck –
This is such a fun rose to have in the garden and I’m amazed at the hardiness. It’s been great in zone 4 year after year and I recently moved it from where it was blooming away just fine in shade and poor soil to a prime spot by the pathway so that I can enjoy it more. It’s a perfect pathside statement piece, because it’s not dreadfully thorny and doesn’t throw random canes. It just stays a nice shape and keeps putting on buds.
Mary Cookson (verified owner) –
I received this rose this past spring, and hung it in a large basket on my front porch for the summer. It thrived there, and I ended up planting it in the ground in late summer. It seems happy there, too. The flowers are delightful, and the plant is very healthy.