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Quality own-root roses
$23.95 $20.00
Climber – Hybrid Wichurana (Hoopes & Thomas, United States, 1909)
Since its introduction over a century ago, American Beauty has been a seminal influence in American rose gardens. Large fragrant double blooms are an intriguing deep pink blend with a cupped form. The bush is remarkably hardy and tolerant of shade. It can reach a height of 12-14 feet if trained on a trellis or wall.
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American Beauty, Climbing
Climber – Hybrid Wichurana (Hoopes & Thomas, United States, 1909)
Since its introduction over a century ago, American Beauty has been a seminal influence in American rose gardens. Large fragrant double blooms are an intriguing deep pink blend with a cupped form. The bush is remarkably hardy and tolerant of shade. It can reach a height of 12-14 feet if trained on a trellis or wall.
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