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Quality own-root roses
(Father Hugo Rose; Golden Rose of China) Species Rose (1899)
Also known as the Father Hugo Rose or the Golden Rose of China. Single yellow blossoms cover this bush in early spring. Ferny foliage on thin, brown, arching canes makes this a nice background shrub. Very hardy and drought resistant, reaching to 9 feet tall. Vase shaped.
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Rosa hugonis (Father Hugo Rose; Golden Rose of China)
Species Rose (1899)
Also known as the Father Hugo Rose or the Golden Rose of China. Single yellow blossoms cover this bush in early spring. Ferny foliage on thin, brown, arching canes makes this a nice background shrub. Very hardy and drought resistant, reaching to 9 feet tall. Vase shaped.
Brandon Garner –
A really nice, early spring blooming rose. It is a nice color coming out of winter as well.