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Quality own-root roses
Shrub – Ground Cover (Ralph Moore, United States, 1988)
This cheerful rose bears vibrant red single flowers with a yellow eye all season. Excellent in mass hillside plantings, spreading 5 feet wide and reaching a height of 18 to 24 inches. Glossy foliage.
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Ralph’s Creeper
Shrub – Ground Cover (Ralph Moore, United States, 1988)
This cheerful rose bears vibrant red single flowers with a yellow eye all season. Excellent in mass hillside plantings, spreading 5 feet wide and reaching a height of 18 to 24 inches. Glossy foliage.
Mary –
I do not have this bright, cheery rose in the right place, so I hesitate to review it. It starts out as an orange bloom and fades red. This is an attractive feature. Long stems. I am going to move it to a better place. The yellow centers are bright. Unusual. Bought from you. Healthy.