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Quality own-root roses
Moss (Paul Buatois , France, 1941)
An obscure moss rose, Robert Léopold produces salmon-pink flowers with carmine-pink edges. Buds are well mossed and the fragrance is strong and tangy. Occasional repeat later in the season.
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Robert Léopold
Moss (Paul Buatois , France, 1941)
An obscure moss rose, Robert Léopold produces salmon-pink flowers with carmine-pink edges. Buds are well mossed and the fragrance is strong and tangy. Occasional repeat later in the season.
Henry Hueffed –
Great rose!. Takes a couple seasons to establish however it is worth the wait. Will spread over time to form new plants. I grow it in between rhododendrons in the pacific northwest.
Duane Scheidemantle –
Strong growing rose. Color was a wonderful variation in a moss rose! Fragrance was better than I expected as well. Very pleased!
It did not set hips this year, but it is the first year it has bloomed.