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Quality own-root roses
Hybrid Perpetual (François Lacharme, France, 1865)
Port wine colored, medium, flat flowers open to reveal striking yellow stamens and delightful fragrance. This rose may be grown as a shrub or trained to climb. Tends to grow and bloom more richly with some shade. Tolerant of poor soils and has few thorns.
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Souvenir du Docteur Jamain
Hybrid Perpetual (François Lacharme, France, 1865)
Port wine colored, medium, flat flowers open to reveal striking yellow stamens and delightful fragrance. This rose may be grown as a shrub or trained to climb. Tends to grow and bloom more richly with some shade. Tolerant of poor soils and has few thorns.
Allicia Ocampo –
Midwest, zone 6a. Planted in spring 2019. Established well, floriferous in spring, not much repeat, but loaded in spring and bonus, nice hips in fall. Maybe would flower well with additional deadheading. I have pegged mine as it started growing in that shape on its own, very healthy plant.