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Noisette (John A. Starnes Jr., United States, 2004)
This cheerful light yellow noisette is product of long time friend John Starnes. Lemon Zen will definitely have you in a copacetic mind frame with its strong, cinnamon fragrance and large clusters of flowers through out the season. The plant is a tall upright shrub that will climb if coaxed. Foliage is a matte medium green.
Want to learn a little more about the origins of this rose? Click HERE
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Lemon Zen
Noisette (John A. Starnes Jr., United States, 2004)
This cheerful light yellow noisette is product of long time friend John Starnes. Lemon Zen will definitely have you in a copacetic mind frame with its strong, cinnamon fragrance and large clusters of flowers through out the season. The plant is a tall upright shrub that will climb if coaxed. Foliage is a matte medium green.
Want to learn a little more about the origins of this rose? Click HERE
Agnieszka Lewandowska (verified owner) –
This is a short term review, since I only purchased the rose this past spring. I planted it in the ground straight from the band pot. It sits in full day sun in UT, zone 6b-7 (depends who counts), southern exposure. It grew to 2-3 ft tall over the course of the summer and fall, I was stunned – all the roses I ever planted before in their first year for the most part just sat and tried to get used to the sun and heat. I planted it next to Blue Chiffon hibiscus, and boy does it (the hibiscus) have some catching up to do with growth now. I’m hoping the rose will start filling out next year, but I’m really pleased with it already. The flowers are charming! (Yes, it bloomed for several months, too!)
Brandon Garner (verified owner) –
It took a couple of months to really get going, but once it did it is now one of the taller roses in my yard. I have only has it for one growing season, so I shall see how it does in a 5b/6a zone
Brandon Garner –
It has come through a couple of winters now. It looks like it can survive a colder winter, or is at the very least root hardy to zone 5b/6a.
Eamonn Leonard (verified owner) –
I got this rose in spring 2023. I’m in coastal Georgia. It has grown well and starting to put on some robust growth in 2024. Has not had a strong flower display yet. Unfortunately I don’t get much fragrance from it. Not sure if it is just me. Still enjoy the simple yellow flowers. Will see how it matures and fares in humid coastal Georgia.