Additional information
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Quality own-root roses
Hybrid Rugosa (FJ Grootendorst, Netherlands, 1923)
Clusters of clear pink, one inch double blooms with unique carnation-like fringed petals. Repeat blooms throughout the season on a compact, 3 to 4 foot bush with light green, crinkly foliage. This shrub rose grows well in mixed borders, hedges, and in the landscape. Tolerant of harsh conditions, including salt spray, wind, and poor soil.
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Pink Grootendorst
Hybrid Rugosa (FJ Grootendorst, Netherlands, 1923)
Clusters of clear pink, one inch double blooms with unique carnation-like fringed petals. Repeat blooms throughout the season on a compact, 3 to 4 foot bush with light green, crinkly foliage. This shrub rose grows well in mixed borders, hedges, and in the landscape. Tolerant of harsh conditions, including salt spray, wind, and poor soil.
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