Additional information
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Quality own-root roses
Hybrid Kordesii – Shrub, (Christian Bédard, United States, 2006)
This vigorous and versatile rose may be grown as a spreading shrub or trained as a climber. Cape Diamond is exceptionally disease resistant, nearly devoid of black spot, rust and powdery mildew. Attractive semi-glossy foliage accentuates clusters of rounded medium pink blossoms with a unique spicy scent.
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Cape Diamond
Hybrid Kordesii – Shrub, (Christian Bédard, United States, 2006)
This vigorous and versatile rose may be grown as a spreading shrub or trained as a climber. Cape Diamond is exceptionally disease resistant, nearly devoid of black spot, rust and powdery mildew. Attractive semi-glossy foliage accentuates clusters of rounded medium pink blossoms with a unique spicy scent.
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