Additional information
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Quality own-root roses
$23.95 $20.00
Grandiflora (Alian Meilland, France, 2006)
Mother of Pearl is a very diverse grandiflora that excels in both hot, humid climates, as well as, cooler ones. Along with having a high resistance to black spot it also is very hardy in the winter so it is a great rose for both climates. This bloom is the perfect light color full bloom rose to fill in any spot in your garden.
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Mother of Pearl
Grandiflora (Alian Meilland, France, 2006)
Mother of Pearl is a very diverse grandiflora that excels in both hot, humid climates, as well as, cooler ones. Along with having a high resistance to black spot it also is very hardy in the winter so it is a great rose for both climates. This bloom is the perfect light color full bloom rose to fill in any spot in your garden.
Kimberley (The Rose Geek) –
I garden in a high humidity environment in zone 7b and recommend Mother of Pearl. Mother of Pearl is black spot resistant and a lovely pale peach color. For a video of the habit and bloom: