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Quality own-root roses
Floribunda (L. Wilhelm Hinner, Germany, before 1909)
Perennially, Gruss an Achen is one of my favorite roses in the garden. Fully double “English” style blossoms of light pink mature to creamy white. Produces many well-scented flowers repeating over a long season, even when grown in partial shade. Forms a compact, broad bush 3 to 4 feet tall and wide, with rich green foliage. Reliably hardy in zone 5 and a consistent performer all growing season.
Many rosarians consider Gruss an Achen to be the first Floribunda.
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Gruss an Aachen
Floribunda (L. Wilhelm Hinner, Germany, before 1909)
Perennially, Gruss an Achen is one of my favorite roses in the garden. Fully double “English” style blossoms of light pink mature to creamy white. Produces many well-scented flowers repeating over a long season, even when grown in partial shade. Forms a compact, broad bush 3 to 4 feet tall and wide, with rich green foliage. Reliably hardy in zone 5 and a consistent performer all growing season.
Catalina Flores –
It will take more than 1 season for this plant to get going, but once you see the blooms you’ll forget all about the slow growth. Once established, it repeats well. The plant prefers partial shade in my zone 10b/coastal garden. I
Linda Carolan –
This is a really charming rose you can easily fall in love with. My mail delivery lady admired it so much I gave it to her and now need to buy another for me.
LUCY CORNWELL (verified owner) –
My Gruss an Aachen from High Country is less than a year old but has taken hold well in a light-dappled shady spot. I had this rose at another property where it had beautiful, sweet-smelling blooms and stayed very healthy despite a lack of very much direct sun so I am counting on a repeat performance…so far so good.