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Floribunda (Christian Bédard, United States, 2017)
Arctic Blue brings cool tones, chilled by the unique lavender blue finish and iced with a cream color on the reverse of the petals. Shapely flower buds open slowly, as if they were frozen in time at their most beautiful stage for longer enjoyment. The vigorous plant is dressed with glossy green winter jacket leaves, allowing the plant to produce a nonstop snow storm of flowers.
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Arctic Blue
Floribunda (Christian Bédard, United States, 2017)
Arctic Blue brings cool tones, chilled by the unique lavender blue finish and iced with a cream color on the reverse of the petals. Shapely flower buds open slowly, as if they were frozen in time at their most beautiful stage for longer enjoyment. The vigorous plant is dressed with glossy green winter jacket leaves, allowing the plant to produce a nonstop snow storm of flowers.
Cheryl Chick (verified owner) –
This is a nice rose that has done well in it’s first year. Blooms were a bit smaller at first, but have gotten larger as the plant got better established. The color is very pretty and much like the photos, though I do not see the unique lavender blue finish mentioned. If pH related I will tweak next year. The cream color on the reverse of the petals is lovely. Looks like it will be a good sized healthy rose. I’d upload some photos but don’t see that option.
Carrie Valenzuela (verified owner) –
I love this rose. It has a beautiful and unique coloring of lavender with a pale reverse, and there really isn’t anything else quite like it!
Mary Cookson –
Beautiful rose! Arctic Blue is healthy and the blooms are a very striking lavender-purple with a cream-colored reverse. This rose has done very well for me in morning sun with bright shade in the afternoons.
Connie Bressler –
This rise does get some blackspot, but pulls through and is very vigorous for me in Western North Carolina.
Ranjani Ram –
This rose has done very well for me. It puts out clusters of flowers periodically. The blooms have gotten larger as it it got established.
sheri williams –
this rose isa blooming lunatic. my blooms aew much bluer than lavender. and, this is the first year.