Additional information
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Quality own-root roses
Climber (Warner, United States, 2013)
Above All has large salmon orange flowers that are old fashioned in appearance, harking back to it’s parent plant Westerland. The color rich flowers are combined with a nice fruity fragrance and a high level of disease resistance, allowing Above All to stand proudly above the competition. The rose also has good winter hardiness and is vigorous in zones 5 and even zone 4 with some protection. Canes will reach 8′ to 14′.
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Above All
Climber (Warner, United States, 2013)
Above All has large salmon orange flowers that are old fashioned in appearance, harking back to it’s parent plant Westerland. The color rich flowers are combined with a nice fruity fragrance and a high level of disease resistance, allowing Above All to stand proudly above the competition. The rose also has good winter hardiness and is vigorous in zones 5 and even zone 4 with some protection. Canes will reach 8′ to 14′.
vjdisme (verified owner) –
I love orange roses and Above All does not disappoint!! The blooms are evenly colored a beautiful velvet like color with prolific blooms. It is classified as a climber, but have not had success having it climb here in Montana, zone 5. I have just purchased 2 more and they came well pkged and healthy. I planted them at the end of June from their 5 inch pots. They are approximately 1 ft high and blooms are just appearingnow, mid August. They do seem pest resistent as our grasshoppers are not feeding on them……at least not yet. Sensational orange flowers!!
Nancy Ateah –
Such a gorgeous colour! Lovely rose, which didn’t climb for me. But had multiple blooms and no black spot.
Sheri Williams –
Above All is a yellow with long canes. She lived in squalor for 5 years till I got around to digging a good hole and filled it with actual soil. Not oil impregnated with black gas from our old Massey Ferg. This is the first year she has had more than 2 flowers, she had 4. So this gal is a strong gal! A repeat bloomer! Adverse conditions don’t faze her. Plant her and stand back for some wild canes!
Denver area –
Above All has pretty orange flowers. For me in zone 5 Colorado it never climbed and was not cane hardy. Instead it was a short, well mannered bush that died to the ground every year. We took it out on it’s 5th year due to wanting a climber in that location. We gave it to someone who wanted a well mannered bush. It probably climbs in warmer climates but makes a great hybrid tea like bush in colder climates.