Lemon Zen is a cheerful Noisette rose initially developed by John Starnes around 1990. John lived in Denver and was a frequent visitor to the nursery all the way back to the 1980’s. I first met him as teenager and let’s just say John had a personality you would never forget. His eccentricity served him well as a rose breeder. Lemon Zen is curious cross between R. moschata and the David Austin rose Graham Thomas. The flowers are beautifully single with pronounced [Read More]
Rose Stories – Linda Campbell
Okay, this seems like an obvious choice. Of course I like the rose named after my mother, but my affinity for the variety runs a little deeper than maternal allegiance. I first came to know this rose in the late 1980’s. It cropped up in our family garden in Denver as yet another rose that my mother was trialing for “Ralph”. By Ralph, I mean Ralph Moore. You may know him as the Godfather of miniature roses, or the owner of Sequoia Nursery, or simply as a rose industry [Read More]
Good Reads.
Good Reads. Fall is time for a good book and I absolutely love Rosa by Peter Kukielski. Peter is one of the great rosarians of our time and this book is flowing with knowledge and insight. First and foremost, Rosa is a history book that weaves the story of the rose from it's prehistoric beginnings, through initial human interaction and into our modern cultivation practices. The book is beautifully illustrated and I promise you will learn something new. [Read More]
Fall Rose Care Tips
Fall Rose Care Tips. Enjoy Your Roses! – I think this point is too easily overlooked. Love your garden and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Cooler temperatures bring out the blooms and intensifies the color of many roses. I'm particularly proud of this Over the Moon bloom (above) in my new rose bed. Plant New Roses – It's a great time for adding to your garden and give them a head start for next spring. Still concerned? Remember all of our roses are guaranteed for a full year. [Read More]
How To Prepare the Perfect Rose Bed
by David Mulholland It might be another month or two before spring has sprung, but that means it’s time to start planning. [Read More]
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