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Quality own-root roses
Canadian Shrub (Ogilvie – Svejda, Canada 1986)
One of the smaller Canadian varieties, Simon Fraser is incredibly versatile in the garden. Flowers bloom in clusters and are a medium pink that ages to light pink. Lightly scented flowers repeat bloom against foliage that is resistant to black-spot and mildew.
Simon Fraser is best known for his daring exploration of the Fraser River (then believed to be the Columbia River).
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Simon Fraser
Canadian Shrub (Ogilvie – Svejda, Canada 1986)
One of the smaller Canadian varieties, Simon Fraser is incredibly versatile in the garden. Flowers bloom in clusters and are a medium pink that ages to light pink. Lightly scented flowers repeat bloom against foliage that is resistant to black-spot and mildew.
Simon Fraser is best known for his daring exploration of the Fraser River (then believed to be the Columbia River).
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